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Genetic diversity and classification of maize landraces from china’s Sichuan basin based on agronomic traits quality traits combining and SSR markers

时间: 2011-05-16 点击次数:次 作者:

Journal: Maydica.2010,55: 85-93

Author: K. Xiang, K.C. Yang, G.T. Pan, L.M. Reid, W.T. Li, X. Zhu, and Z.M. Zhang


Twenty-two maize landraces representing all the ecosystems in the Sichuan Basin were analyzed based on agronomic traits, quality traits, combining ability and simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. Of the 22 landraces,Dazhaibaogu, Dahuang and Yuzuibaogu exhibited the best agronomic performance, while Nuoyumi, Rongzhaiyumi and Dadudu had the highest oil, protein and starch content,respectively. Thirteen of the landraces with medium to late maturity ratings were used in a combining ability study with five testers. General combining ability (GCA) effects for grain yield per plant were significantly different among the 13 landraces: five (Hanyuanhongbaogu, Dabaimaya,Xuesi, Dahuang and Dazhaibaogu) had the highest GCA effects. Based on the specific combing ability (SCA) effects for grain yield per plant, the 13 landraces were divided into three preliminary heterotic groups. A total of 220 individuals from the 22 landraces were fingerprinted with 41 SSR markers to determine the genetic diversity. The number of polymorphic bands, percentage of polymorphic bands, genetic diversity, effective number of alleles and Shannon’s information index of the 22 landraces were 211, 74.18%,0.27, 1.47 and 0.40, respectively. The 22 landraces wereclassed into three groups based on SSR markers. The results indicated that clustering of landraces was associated with the ecological environment from which the landraces originated. In this study, Dazhaibaogu, Dahuang,Yuzuibaogu, Xuesi and Dabaimaya were the landraces determined to have the most promising characteristics for further use in a maize breeding program.

Link: http://www.maydica.org/articles/55_085.pdf


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