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A meta-analysis of QTL associated with ear rot resistance in maize

时间: 2011-05-17 点击次数:次 作者:

Journal: Maydica.2010,55: 281-290

Author: K. Xiang, Z.M. Zhang, L.M. Reid, X.Y. Zhu, G.S. Yuan, G.T. Pan


The three predominant ear rot (ER) diseases of maize are Aspergillus ear rot (AER), Fusarium ear rot (FER) and Gibberella ear rot (GER). These three diseases are responsible for most disease-related reductions in yield and quality. To identify QTL chromosome regions for resistance to these three ERs and to investigate the relationship among these resistances, 87 (eightyseven) initial QTL from 14 studies were used to project meta-QTL(MQTL) on a high-density genetic linkage map (IBM2neighbors 2008). The results showed that 29 MQTL (eachMQTL comprising two to six initial QTL) were projected on chromosomes 1 to 8. Six MQTL located on chromosomes 3 and 4 were recommended to use for improving ER resistance in a marker assisted selection (MAS) program. Meta-analysis also indicated that QTL from different ER types and resistance sources were clustered on the same chromosome regions, particularly on bins 3.04 and 2.08. Among eight resistance sources, CO387 contributed 18 of 29 MQTL.

Link: http://www.maydica.org/articles/55_281.pdf


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