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学术报告:A Y-chromosome–encoded small RNA acts as a sex deter- minant in persimmons和Centromeric histone 3-mediated genome elimination: mechanisms and implications

时间: 2014-11-18 点击次数:次 作者:yms

报告题目一:A Y-chromosome–encoded small RNA acts as a sex deter- minant in persimmons

报告题目二:Centromeric histone 3-mediated genome elimination: mechanisms and implications

报告人:Luca Comai博士 (加州大学戴维斯分校)

报告时间:2014年11月21日09﹕00—11﹕30  14:00-17:00






Luca Comai简介

      Luca Comai 博士,1978年毕业于华盛顿州立大学(Washington State University)获得植物病理学硕士学位,1980年毕业于美国加州大学戴维斯分校(University of California, Davis)获得植物病理学博士学位。毕业后加入Calgene公司从事抗除草剂的研究。1992-2006年进入华盛顿大学植物系任教。2006至今在加州大学戴维斯分校基因组研究中心担任教授。

  Luca Comai博士主要从事植物多倍体,TILING技术以及染色体的功能研究。目前实验室专注于拟南芥异源多倍体加倍机理研究,自交不亲和以及非整倍体研究;利用传统的化学诱变技术处理材料,并结合二代测序技术构建文库,高通量测序发现突变位点;近几年提出并利用着丝粒调控基因组删除加快单倍体育种进程 。在Nature,Science,Nature communication,Plant cell 等多个国际主流学术期刊上发表相关研究论文。并开发了高通量测序发现突变位点的软件及突变种质资源的建立等工作。




Ravi M, Marimuthu MPA, Tan EH, Maheshwari S, Henry IM, Marin-Rodriguez B, Urtecho G, Tan J, Thornhill K, Zhu F, Panoli A, Sundaresan V, Britt AB, Comai L, Chan SWL. 2014. Nature Comm. 31 Oct 2014 doi: 10.1038/ncomms633


Akagi T, Henry IM, Tao R and Comai L. 2014. A Y-chromosome–encoded small RNA acts as a sex deter- minant in persimmons. Science 346:646-650. DOI: 10.1126/science.1257225

Bjornson M, Benn G, Song X, Comai L, Franz AK, Dandekar A, Drakakaki G, Dehesh K. 2014. Distinct roles for MAPK signaling and CAMTA3 in regulating the peak time and amplitude of the plant general stress response. Plant Physiol. PMID: 25157030

 Comai, L. 2014. Genome elimination: translating basic research into a future tool for plant breeding. PLoS Biol, 12 (6), e1001876. PMID: 24915001

Henry MI, Nagalakshmi U, Lieberman MC, Ngo KJ, Krasileva KV, Vasquez-Gross H, Akhunova A, Akhunov A, Dubcovsky J, Tai TH, and Comai L 2014. Efficient genome-wide detection and cataloging of EMS-induced mutations using next-generation sequencing and exome capture. Plant Cell, 2014 Apr 11. PMID: 24728647

Henry MI, Dilkes BP, Tyagi A, Gao J, Chrisensen B, and Comai L 2014. The BOY NAMED SUE quanti- tative trait locus confers increased meiotic stability to an adapted natural allopolyploid of Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 26(1):181-94 PMID: 24464296


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