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学术报告:The biogenesis and effector steps of the primary piRNA pathway in Drosophila Melanogaster

时间: 2014-11-18 点击次数:次 作者:yms

报告题目:The biogenesis and effector steps of the primary piRNA pathway in Drosophila Melanogaster

报告人:俞洋 博士 (美国冷泉港实验室)






俞洋,2002年本科毕业于中国武汉大学病毒学系,2007年获美国Case Western Reserve University生物化学博士学位。2007年8月至2010年2月在美国Case Western Reserve University从事博士后工作,2010年2月至今在美国Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory(冷泉港实验室)Hannon lab从事博士后工作。

俞洋博士主要从事RNA splicing 及small RNA等方面的研究,曾在《cell》等多个国际主流学术刊物发表相关研究论文,现担任RNA, Nucleic Acid Research, International Journal of Biological Sciences, Protein & Cell等国际知名学术期刊审稿专家,同时为美国American Heart Association, RNA Society会员。


Vagin V.*, Yu Y.*, Jankowska A.*, Malone C.D., Luo Y., Harrison E., Rosebrock A. and Hannon G.J. (2013). Minotaur is critical for primary piRNA biogenesis. Submitted. RNA, 19 (8). pp. 1064-1077. *equal contribution

Yu Y. and Nilsen T.W. (2009). Mechanisms by which microRNAs regulate gene expression in animal cells. In Regulation of Gene Expression by Small RNAs. Gaur R.K. and Rossi J.J. Eds. CRC Press.

Yu Y., Maroney P.A., Denker J.A., Zhang X.H., Dybkov O., Luhrmann R., Jankowsky E., Chasin L.A. and Nilsen T.W. (2008). Dynamic regulation of alternative splicing by silencers that modulate 5′ splice site competition. Cell, 135(7):1224-36.1

Maroney P.A., Yu Y., Fisher J. and Nilsen T.W. (2006). Evidence that microRNAs are associated with translating messenger RNAs in human cells. Nat Struct Mol Biol. 13(12):1102-7.

Maroney P.A., Yu Y. and Nilsen T.W. (2006). MicroRNAs, mRNAs, and translation. Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant Biol. 71:531-5.


上一篇:学术报告:A Y-chromosome–encoded small RNA acts as a sex deter- minant in persimmons和Centromeric histone 3-mediated genome elimination: mechanisms and implications
