
时间: 2018-11-18 点击次数:次 作者:










① 2007.09-2011.06,四川农业大学,生物技术专业,理学学士;

② 2011.09-2017.12,四川农业大学,生物化学与分子生物学专业,理学博士;

③ 2015.10 -2017.10,UC. Davis ; UC. Riverside, Plant Biology,博士联合培养。


① 2018.01-2021.12,四川农业大学玉米研究所,讲师;

② 2021.12-至今,四川农业大学玉米研究所,副教授。









省部共建小麦玉米作物学国家重点实验室课题,ZmPP2C26可变剪接负调控玉米耐旱性的分子机制,2022 -2024,主持;


四川省教育厅重点实验室项目,玉米ZmLAZ1基因鉴定及功能分析,2019 -2021,主持;





6.发表论文(#共同第一作者, *通讯作者

1) Fu QK, Duan HM, Cao Y, LiY, Lin XL, Pang HW, Yang QQ, Li WC, Fu FL, Zhang YY, Yu HQ*. comprehensive identification and functional analysis of stress-associated protein (SAP) genes in osmotic stress in maize. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2022, 23, 14010. (IF=6.208,二区TOP)

2) Duan HM, Fu QK, Lv H, Gao AJ, Chen XY, Yang QQ, Wang YG, Li WC, Fu FL, Yu HQ*. Genome-wide characterization and function analysis of ZmERD15 genes’ response to saline stress in Zea mays L. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2022, 23, 15721. (IF=6.208,二区TOP)

3) Yu HQ, Wang YG, Fu FL, Li WC. Transgenic Improvement for Biotic Resistance of Crops. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2022, 23, 14370. (IF=6.208,二区TOP)

4) Lu FZ#, Li WC#, Peng YL#, Cao Y, Qu JT, Sun FA, Yang QQ, Lu YL, Zhang XH, Zheng LJ, Fu FL*, Yu HQ*. ZmPP2C26 alternative splicing variants negatively regulate drought tolerance in maize. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022, 13: 851531 (IF=6.627,二区TOP)

5) Yu HQ, Yang QQ, Fu FL*, Li WC*. Three strategies of transgenic manipulation for crop improvement. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022, 13: 948518(IF=6.627,二区TOP)

6) Feng WQ#, Liu Y#, Cao Y, Zhao YR, Zhang H, Sun F, Yang QQ, Li WC, Lu YL, Zhang XC, Fu FL*, Yu HQ*. Maize ZmBES1/BZR1-3 and -9 transcription factors negatively regulate drought tolerance in transgenic Arabidopsis. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2022, 23, 6025. (IF=6.208,二区TOP)

7) Liu BL#, Yu HQ#, Yang QY, Ding L, Sun FA, Qu JT, Feng WQ, Yang QQ, Li WC*, Fu FL*. Zinc Transporter ZmLAZ1-4 modulates zinc homeostasis on plasma and vacuolar membrane in maize. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022, 13:881055. (IF=6.627,二区TOP)

8) Yang L, Li WC, Fu FL, Qu JT, Sun FA, Yu HQ*, Zhang JC*. Characterization of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase genes facilitating flavonoid biosynthesis from two species of medicinal plant Anoectochilus. PeerJ, 2022, 10:e13614(IF=3.06,三区)

9) Cao Y, Qu JT, Yu HQ, Yang QQ, Li WC, Fu FL. Genomic characteristics of elite maize inbred line 18-599 and its transcriptional response to drought and low-temperature stresses. Plants 2022, 11, 3242. (IF=4.658,三区)

10) Yu HQ#, Qu JT#, Guo X, Li L, Zhang XF, Yang QQ, Lu YL, Li WC*, Fu FL*. Overexpression of vacuolar H+-pyrophosphatase (H+-PPase) gene from Ammopiptanthus nanus enhances drought tolerance in maize. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science. 2022, 208:633–644. (IF=4.153,一区TOP)

11) Sun FA#, Ding L#, Feng WQ, Cao Y, Lu FZ, Yang QQ, Li WC, Lu YL,Shabek N, Fu FL*,Yu HQ*. Maize transcription factor ZmBES1/BZR1-5 positively regulates kernel size. Journal of Experimental Botany. 2021, 72 (5): 1714-1726. (IF=6.992,二区TOP)

12) Zhang YY#, Cao Y#, Zheng HY, Feng WQ, Qu JT, Fu FL, Li WC*, Yu HQ*. Ectopic expression of antifreeze protein gene from Ammopiptanthus nanus confers chilling tolerance in maize, Crop Journal, 2021, 9: 924-933. (IF=4.407,一区TOP)

13) Yu HQ, Zheng HY, Liu Y, Yang QQ, Li WC, Zhang YY*, Fu FL *. Antifreeze protein from Ammopiptanthus nanus functions in temperature‑stress through domain A. Scientific Reports. 2021, 11: 8458. (IF=4.379)

14) Tang YM, Lu FZ, Feng WQ, Liu Y, Cao Y, Li WC, Fu FL*, Yu HQ*. Genome-wide identification and expression analyses of AnSnRK2 gene family under osmotic stress in Ammopiptanthus nanus. Plants. 2021, 10: 882. (IF=3.935)

15) Ding L, Guo X, Wang KX, Pang HW, Liu Y, Yang QQ, Fu FL, Li WC, Yu HQ*. Genome-wide analysis of BES1/BZR1 transcription factors and their responses to osmotic stress in Ammopiptanthus nanus. Journal of Forest Research. 2021, 26(2): 127-135. (IF=1.269)

16) Lu FZ, Wang KX, Yan LM, Peng YL, Qu JT, Wu J, Cao Y, Yang QQ, Fu FL*, Yu HQ*. Isolation and characterization of maize ZmPP2C26 gene promoter in drought-response. Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants. 2020, 26 (11): 2189-2197. (IF=2.005)

17) Sun FA#,Yu HQ#*, Qu JT,Cao Y,Ding L,Feng WQ, Muhammad HBK,Li WC,Fu FL*. Maize ZmBES1/BZR1-5 decreases ABA sensitivity and confers tolerance to osmotic stress in transgenic Arabidopsis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2020, 21(3): 996. (IF=4.556)

18) Muhammad HBK#, Muhammad AR#, Yu HQ#, Imran K, Sun FA, Feng LY, Qu JT, Fu FL*, Li WC*. Expression, subcellular localization, and interactions of CPK family genes in maize. International Journal of Molecular Sciences,2019, 20: 6173. (IF=4.183)

19) Lu FZ#, Yu HQ#, Li S, Li WC, Zhang ZY*, Fu FL*. Functional polymorphism among members of abscisic acid receptor family (ZmPYL) in maize. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2019, 18(9): 2-13. (IF=1.984)

20) Liu BL#, Yu HQ#, Wen Q, Fu FL*, WC Li*. Genome-wide analysis of LAZ1 gene family from maize. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 2020,39: 656-668. (IF=2.672)

21) Yu HQ*, Khalid MHB#, Lu FZ, Sun FA, Qu JT, Liu BL, Li WC, Fu FL*. Isolation and identification of a vegetative organ-specific promoter from maize. Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants, 2019, 25(1):277-287 (IF=2.005)

22) Khalid MHB#, Raza MA#, Yu HQ#, Sun FA, Zhang YY, Lu FZ, Si L, Iqbal N, Khan I, Fu FL, Li WC*. Effect of shade treatments on morphology, photosynthetic and chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics of soybeans (glycine max l. Merr.). Applied Ecology and Environmental Research. 2019, 17(2): 2551-2569. (IF=0.712)

23) Yu HQ#, Feng WQ#, Sun FA#, Zhang YY, Qu JT, Liu BL, Lu FZ, Yang L, Fu FL*, Li WC*. Cloning and characterization of BES1/BZR1 transcription factor genes in maize. Plant growth regulation, 2018, 86: 235-249. (IF=2.473)

24) Yu HQ, Sun FA, Lu FZ, Feng WQ, Zhang YY, Liu BL, Yang L, Fu FL*, Li WC*. Positive regulation of phytochrome A on shade avoidance in maize. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 2018, 50(4): 1433-1440. (IF=0.672)

25) Wang YG#, Fu FL#, Yu HQ, Hu T, Zhang YY, Tao Y, Zhu JK, Zhao Y*, Li WC*. Interaction network of core ABA signaling components in maize, Plant Molecular Biology, 2018, 96(3): 245-263. (IF=3.928)

26) Yu HQ#, Han N#, Zhang YY, Tao Y, Chen L, Liu YP, Zhou SF, Fu FL*, Li WC*. Cloning and characterization of vacuolar H+-pyrophosphatase gene (AnVP1) from Ammopiptanthus nanus and its heterologous expression enhances osmotic tolerance in yeast and Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant growth regulation, 2017, 81: 385-397. (IF=2.081)

27) Yu HQ, Zhou XY, Wang YG, Zhou SF, Fu FL*, Li WC*. A betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase gene from Ammopiptanthus nanus enhances tolerance of Arabidopsis to high salt and drought stresses. Plant growth regulation, 2017, 83:265-276. (IF=2.081)

28) Yu HQ, Yong TM, Li HJ, Li HJ, Liu YP, Zhou SF, Fu FL*, Li WC*. Overexpression of a phospholipase Dα gene from Ammopiptanthus nanus enhances salt tolerance of phospholipase Dα1-deficient Arabidopsis mutant. Planta, 2015, 242:1495-1509. (IF=3.239)

29) Yu HQ#, Zhang YY#, Yong TM, Liu YP, Zhou SF, Fu FL*, Li WC*. Cloning and functional validation of molybdenum cofactor sulfurase gene from Ammopiptanthus nanus. Plant cell reports, 2015, 34:1165-1176. (IF=3.088)

30) Yu HQ#, Wang YG#, Yong TM, She YH, Fu FL*, Li WC*. Heterologous expression of betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase gene from Ammopiptanthus nanus confers high salt and heat tolerance to Escherichia coli. Gene, 2014, 549:77-84. (IF=2.196)

31) Wang YG#, Yu HQ#, Zhang YY, Lai CX, She YH, Li WC*, Fu FL*. Interaction between abscisic acid receptor PYL3 and protein phosphatase type 2C in response to ABA signaling in maize. Gene, 2014, 549:179-185. (IF=2.196)

32) Deng LQ, Yu HQ, Liu YP, Jiao PP, Zhou SF, Zhang SZ, Li WC, Fu FL. Heterologous expression of antifreeze protein gene AnAFP from Ammopiptanthus nanus enhances cold tolerance in Escherichia coli and tobacco. Gene, 2014, 539: 132-140. (IF=2.196)

33) Yang L, Zhang JC, Li WC, Qu JT, Yu HQ, Jiang FX, Fu FL. Cloning and characterization of Farnesyl pyrophosphate synthase gene from Anoectochilus. Pak J Bot, 2020.52(3),10.30848/PJB2020-3(14). (IF=0.672)

34) Yang L, Zhang JC, Qu JT, He G, Yu HQ, Li WC, Fu FL. Expression response of chalcone synthase gene to inducing conditions and its effect on flavonoids accumulation in two medicinal species of Anoectochilus. Sci Rep, 2019, 9, 20171. (IF=4.011)

35) Qu JT, Chassaigne-Ricciulli AA, Fu FL, Yu HQ, Dreher K, Nair SK, Gowda M, Beyene Y, Makumbi D, Dhliwayo T, et al. Low-density reference fingerprinting SNP dataset of CIMMYT maize lines for quality control and genetic diversity analyses. Plants 2022, 11, 3092. (IF=4.658)

36) 庞浩婉,傅乾坤,杨青青,张元元,付凤玲,于好强*. 玉米转录因子ZmEREB93 负调控籽粒发育,中国农业科学 2022,55(19):3685-3696

37) 冯文奇, 孙福艾, 丁磊, 郭新, 李晚忱, 付凤玲,于好强*. 玉米转录因子ZmBES1/ BZR1-7 基因克隆及功能分析.核农学报,2020,34(1):0017-0025.

38) 刘柄良,杨琳,付凤玲,李晚忱,张君诚,于好强*. 金线莲辣椒红素合成酶基因(CCS)的克隆及表达模式分析,四川农业大学学报,2019, 1, 22-27.

39) 于好强,孙福艾,冯文奇,路风中,李晚忱,付凤玲. 转录因子BES1/BZR1调控植物生长发育及抗逆性,遗传,2019, 41(3): 206-214.

40) 李思, 于好强,付凤玲,李晚忱. 壳寡糖叶面喷施对玉米耐旱性的调节,玉米科学,2019, 27(3): 61-67.

41) 拓昊苑,路风中,张元元,于好强,付凤玲,李晚忱*. 利用转移PCR技术构建玉米SnRK2基因表达载体,核农学报,2019,33 (7): 1282-1290.

42) 张晓芳,于好强,罗羲,罗羲,张于福,李晚忱,付凤玲*. 玉米MYB转录因子靶基因的全基因组预测及验证, 干旱地区农业研究, 2018,36(3): 59-65.

43) 张盼娃,张夏玮,于好强,盘林秀,付凤玲,李晚忱*. 玉米蛋白磷酸酶2C基因ZmPP2C26两个可变剪接体的功能分析,西北农林科技大学学报(自然科学版),2018. 46 (7): 23-31.

44) 明川,拓昊苑,陶怡,于好强,李晚忱,付凤玲*. 玉米蔗糖非酵解型蛋白激酶2底物蛋白的筛选与鉴定,西北农林科技大学(自然科学版),2018, 46 (10): 57-67.


1) 于好强,冯文奇,刘媛,付凤玲,杨青青,李晚忱. 玉米ZmBES1/BZR1-3基因在增加种子产量中的应用, 2023.04.25, 专利号:ZL2022102705069 (专利)

2) 于好强,冯文奇,刘媛,付凤玲,杨青青,李晚忱. 玉米ZmBES1/BZR1-10基因在提高产量及耐旱性中的应用, 2022.08.30, 专利号:ZL20221032431.9 (专利)

3) 于好强,刘媛,冯文奇,付凤玲,杨青青,李晚忱. 玉米ZmBES1/BZR1-9基因在培育早花植物中的应用, 2022.08.31, 专利号:ZL202210121413.X (专利)

4) 于好强;冯文奇;刘媛;付凤玲;李晚忱;杨青青;玉米ZmBES1/BZR1-2基因在提高植物耐旱性中的应用,2022-04-22,中国,ZL202110368414.X (专利)

5) 于好强; 丁磊; 庞浩婉; 刘媛; 付凤玲; 李晚忱; 杨青青 ; 玉米干旱诱导型启动子ZmOMAp1730及应用, 2022-02-18, 中国, ZL202110709483.2 (专利)

6) 于好强,曹洋,付凤玲,李晚忱,郭新,李莉。一种用于检测玉米植物AN1的核酸序列及其检测方法,2021.05.11,专利号:ZL202010399990.6

7) 于好强,孙福艾,付凤玲,李晚忱,曹洋,丁磊。玉米ZmBES1/BZR1-5基因在培育大籽粒植物中的应用,2021.03.05,专利号:ZL202010362305.2

8) 付凤玲,于好强,李晚忱,刘艳萍,雍太明,邓龙群,佘跃辉,周树峰。一种来源于新疆沙冬青的磷脂酶Dα1的基因序列及其克隆方法,2015.03.25,专利号:ZL201310175061.7

9) 李晚忱,于好强,付凤玲,刘艳萍,雍太明。一种来源于矮沙冬青的甜菜碱醛脱氢酶的基因序列及其克隆方法,2015.02.18,专利号:ZL20130505243.6

10) 李晚忱,雍太明,付凤玲,刘艳萍,于好强,邓龙群,佘跃辉,周树峰。一种来源于新疆沙冬青的钼辅助因子硫酸化酶的基因序列及其克隆方法,2015.02.18,专利号:ZL201310176006.X

11) 李晚忱,雍太明,付凤玲,刘艳萍,于好强,邓龙群,佘跃辉,周树峰。一种来源于新疆沙冬青的I型液泡膜焦磷酸酶的基因序列及其克隆方法,2014.12.10,专利号:ZL201310100235.3


How tough life is, how strong you should be.



