
时间: 2023-12-29 点击次数:次 作者:








毕业院校及时间: 201412月毕业于四川农业大学

邮箱:jie_xu@sicau.edu.cn; 29904145@qq.com


徐洁,女,博士,教授,硕士生导师,四川省海外高层次留学人才。主要从事玉米非编码RNA在干旱胁迫下的功能与调控机制研究。先后主持国家自然科学基金4项,主持四川省国际科技创新合作项目1项。参研选育甜糯玉米新品种9个,在《Nucleic Acids Research》、《Journal of Exerimental Botany》等杂志发表学术论文10余篇,授权国家发明专利4项,培养硕士研究生16名,参与指导博士研究生5名。



2)玉米转座子的功能与进化(与普渡大学Damon Lisch教授合作研究)



1)国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目,RNA甲基转移酶ZmMETTL16介导m6A修饰调控玉米耐旱性的分子机制解析,2024-012027-12,在研,主持

2)国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目,lncRNA介导的epiMAP位点特异DNA甲基化调控玉米苗期耐旱性的功能与机制研究,2021-012024-12,在研,主持




1. Xu J*, Yao J, Zhai H, et al. TrichomeYOLO: A Neural Network for Automatic Maize Trichome Counting. Plant Phenomics 2023, 5: 0024.(IF: 6.9)

2. Wang Q, Xu J*, Pu X, et al. Maize DNA Methylation in Response to Drought Stress Is Involved in Target Gene Expression and Alternative Splicing [J]. Int J Mol Sci, 2021, 22(15).(*共同一作,IF: 5.9)

3. Mao Y, Xu J*, Wang Q, et al. A natural antisense transcript acts as a negative regulator for the maize drought stress response gene ZmNAC48 [J]. J Exp Bot, 2021, 72(7): 2790-2806. (*共同一作,IF: 6.9)

4. Xu, J., Q. Wang, M. Freeling, X. Zhang, Y. Xu, Y. Mao, X. Tang, F. Wu, H. Lan and Y. Lu (2017). "Natural antisense transcripts are significantly involved in regulation of drought stress in maize." Nucleic Acids Research 45(9): 5126-5141.(IF: 11.5)

5. Xu J, Yuan Y, Xu Y, Zhang G, Guo X, et al. (2014) Identification of candidate genes for drought tolerance by whole-genome resequencing in maize. BMC Plant Biol 14: 83.(IF: 4.35)

6. Xu J, Liu L, Xu Y, Chen C, Rong T, et al. (2013) Development and Characterization of Simple Sequence Repeat Markers Providing Genome-Wide Coverage and High Resolution in Maize. DNA Research 20: 497-509. (IF: 4.97)

7. Xu J, Liu Y, Liu J, Cao M, Wang J, et al. (2012) The Genetic Architecture of Flowering Time and Photoperiod Sensitivity in Maize as Revealed by QTL Review and Meta Analysis. Journal of integrative plant biology 54: 358. IF: 3.75

8. Freeling M, Xu J, Woodhouse M, Lisch D (2015) A solution to the C-value paradox and the function of junk DNA: the Genome Balance Hypothesis. Molecular plant. IF:6.60

9. Burgess, D. G., J. Xu and M. Freeling (2015). "Advances in understanding cis regulation of the plant gene with an emphasis on comparative genomics." Current Opinion in Plant Biology 27: 141-147. (IF: 7.36)

10. Lai, X., J. C. Schnable, Z. Liao, J. Xu, G. Zhang, C. Li, E. Hu, T. Rong, Y. Xu and Y. Lu (2017). "Genome-wide characterization of non-reference transposable element insertion polymorphisms reveals genetic diversity in tropical and temperate maize." BMC Genomics 18(1): 702. (IF: 3.73)

曾获荣誉:2018 Maize-Asia Youth Innovators Awards


