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Relationship between activities of key enzymes involved in starch synthesis and accumulation in maize inbred lines during grain filling

时间: 2011-06-03 点击次数:次 作者:

Journal: Russian Journal of plant physiology. 2008,55: 245-255

Author: Zhang Jun jie, Hu Yufeng,, Huang Yubi


Time course of starch production and the key enzyme activities in the grains of four maize inbred lines (two high-starch and two low-starch lines) were studied. Accumulation of grain starch and its components in four maize inbred lines rose continuously after pollination and increased as a sigmoid curve during grain filling. The accumulation rates showed single-peak curves. The accumulation rates of starch and its components reached their peaks on 25–32 days after pollination (DAP), respectively. Activities of adenosine diphosphoglucose pyrophosphorylase(AGPPase) and starch synthase in the grains of four lines followed single-peak curves with the peaks on 24–31 DAP. The highest activity of the starch-branching enzyme (Q-enzyme) in the grains of both high-starch lines appeared on 23 DAP, but that of both low-starch inbred lines showed double-peak curves, the peaks being at 15–20 DAP and 30–35 DAP. There was significant positive correlation between AGPPase, soluble starch synthase (SSS), and starch granule-bound synthase (GBSS) activities. The results indicated the Q-enzyme had different expression patterns in the high-and the low-starch maize inbred lines, and that AGPPase, SSS, and GBSS activities were significantly and positively correlated with amylose, amylopectin, and starch accumulation rates in all lines.

Link: http://www.springerlink.com/content/btp0h7566j365484/


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