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Study on the growth inhibition ratio of Rhizoctonia solani controlled by Nano-Al2O3/TiO2

时间: 2014-11-04 点击次数:次 作者:

Journal: Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment Vol.12 (2): 1 1 6 8 - 1 1 7 1 . 2 0 1 4

Author: Fei Ge 1, Maojun Zhao 2, Haijian Lin 1, Guangtang Pan 1 and Yaou Shen 1*


This study aimed to develop a novel kind of pesticide controlling sheath blight caused by Rhizoctonia solani (R. solani, AG1-IA) using Nano-Al2O3/ TiO2 as materials by the method of sol-gel. FTIR spectroscopy analysis indicates that Al2O3 covered with large amounts of TiO2 containing a number of -OH could improve photocatalytic activity of Nano-Al2O3/TiO2. Moreover, we studied the degradation ratio of Nano-Al2O3/TiO2 to Direct Fast Scarlet 4BS (DFS4B) in UV and to R. solani under fluorescent. The results showed that the material had the highest photocatalytic efficiency when the proportion of Nano-Al2O3 to TiO2 was 1:10. Compared with pure Nano-TiO2, the degradation rate of Nano-Al2O3/TiO2 to DFS4B was improved by about 3.56 folds in UV and 1.94 folds in sunlight, respectively. The proportion of Nano-Al2O3 to TiO2 (1:10) also showed the highest efficiency inhibiting the growth of R. solani sclerotium than Nano-TiO2 and Nano-Al2O3/TiO2 in other proportions.

Link: http://world-food.net/study-on-the-growth-inhibition-ratio-of-rhizoctonia-solani-controlled-by-nano-al2o3tio2/


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