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DNA methylation analysis of sterile and fertile CMS-C hybrids and their parents in maize

时间: 2016-01-11 点击次数:次 作者:

Journal: Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology MAY 2015 pp 1-9

Author: Bo Chen, Yan Zhang, Yanli Lu, Jing Wang, Suzhi Zhang, Hai Lan, Tingzhao Rong , Moju Cao


C-type cytoplasmic male sterile (CMS-C) line plays an important role in hybrid seed production in maize. However, mechanisms of pollen abortion and fertility restoration remain unclear. This study aimed to investigate the mechanisms of CMS-C pollen abortion and fertility restoration, particularly based on epigenetics, and to understand the relationship between male fertility performance and DNA methylation status. Methylation-sensitive amplification polymorphism (MSAP) technique was conducted to analyze DNA methylation levels and patterns of tassels at pollen-mother cell, tetrad, mononuclear, and binuclear stages among four half-sib hybrids and their parents with different fertility. Results showed that DNA methylation levels in fertility restored hybrids were higher than those in sterility maintained hybrids. Nine CCGG sites, which displayed methylation polymorphism between male-fertile and male-sterile hybrids, were screened. To validate MSAP results, we performed methylation-sensitive PCR (MS-PCR) and found consistent observations in cloned methylation sites. Interestingly, a specific site named 16–1 was discovered in the region of Rf5 gene, which is one of the restorer genes of CMS-C. Thus, DNA methylation may participate in regulating the expression of fertility restorer genes of maize CMS-C.

Link: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs13562-015-0298-6


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