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Biochemical and Molecular Characterization of the Plant MYB Transcription Factors Family

时间: 2011-05-26 点击次数:次 作者:

Journal: Biochemistry.2009,74: 1-11

Author: Du Hai, Zhang Li, Liu Lei, Tang Xiao-Feng, Yang Wen-Jie, Wu Yan-Ming, Huang Yu-Bi, Tang Yi-Xiong


MYB genes are widely distributed in higher plants and comprise one of the largest transcription factors, which are characterized by the presence of a highly conserved MYB domain at their N-termini. Over recent decades, biochemical and molecular characterizations of MYB have been extensively studied and reported to be involved in many physiological and biochemical processes. This review describes current knowledge of their structure characteristic, classification, multi-functionality, mechanism of combinational control, evolution, and function redundancy. It shows that the MYB transcription factors play a key role in plant development, such as secondary metabolism, hormone signal transduction, disease resistance, cell shape, organ development, etc. Furthermore, the expression of some members of the MYB family shows tissuespecificity.

Link: http://www.springerlink.com/content/7721u41405288218/


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