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Analysis of the Epistatic and QTL×Environments Interaction Effects of Plant Height in Maize (Zea mays L.)

时间: 2011-06-08 点击次数:次 作者:

Journal: International journal of plant production.2007,1: 153-156

Author: Zhang ZM, Zhao MJ, Ding HP, Ma YY, Rong TZ, Pan GT


Analysis of the epistatic and QTLxenvironments interaction effects of plant height in maize (Zea mays L.) | maize; QTL; plant height; QE | A genetic map containing 103 microsatellite loci and 200 F-2 plants derived from the cross R15 x Ye478 were used for mapping of quantitative trait loci (QTL) in maize (Zea mays L.). QTLs were characterized in a population of 200 F-2:4 lines, derived from selfing the F-2 plants, and were evaluated with two replications in two environments. QTL mapping analysis of plant height was performed by using QTLMapper 2.0 software. Three main-effect QTLs and seven pairs of distinctly epistatic loci included a total of fourteen QTLs were located on seven chromosomes. QTL main effects of additive, dominance, and additive x additive, additive x dominance, and dominance x dominance interactions were estimated. Interaction effects between QTL main effects and QTL x environments (QE) were also predicted. Less than 30% of single effects for identified QTLs were significant at 5% level. The information about epistatic QTLs and QE interaction will facilitate marker assisted selection for plant height breeding programs in maize.

Link: http://fspublishers.org/ijab/past-issues/IJABVOL_10_NO_6/3.pdf


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