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Genome expression profile analysis of the maize sheath in response to inoculation to R. solani

时间: 2014-11-04 点击次数:次 作者:

Journal: Molecular Biology Reports April 2014, Volume 41, Issue 4, pp 2471-2483,

Author: Jian Gao, Zhe Chen, Mao Luo, Hua Peng, Haijian Lin, Cheng Qin, Guangsheng Yuan, Yaou Shen, Haiping Ding, Maojun Zhao, Guangtang Pan, Zhiming Zhang


Currently, the molecular regulation mechanisms of disease-resistant involved in maize leaf sheaths infected by banded leaf and sheath blight (BLSB) are poorly known. To gain insight into the transcriptome dynamics that are associated with their disease-resistant, genome-wide gene expression profiling was conducted by Solexa sequencing. More than four million tags were generated from sheath tissues without any leaf or development leaf, including 193,222 and 204,824 clean tags in the two libraries, respectively. Of these, 82,864 (55.4 %) and 91,678 (51.5 %) tags were matched to the reference genes. The most differentially expressed tags with log2 ratio >2 or

Link: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11033-014-3103-z


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