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Cloning and functional validation of molybdenum cofactor sulfurase gene from Ammopiptanthus nanus.

时间: 2016-01-11 点击次数:次 作者:

Journal: Plant Cell Reports July 2015, Volume 34, Issue 7, pp 1165-1176

Author: Hao Qiang Yu , Yuan Yuan Zhang , Tai Ming Yong, Yan Ping Liu, Shu Feng Zhou, Feng Ling Fu , Wan Chen Li


Molybdenum cofactor sulfurase participates in catalyzing biosynthesis of abscisic acid, which plays a crucial role in the response of plants to abiotic stresses. In this study, we cloned molybdenum cofactor sulfurase gene (AnMCSU) from a super-xerophytic desert plant, Ammopiptanthus nanus, by using rapid amplification of cDNA ends method. This gene has a total length of 2544 bp, with a 5′- and a 3′-untranslated region of 167 and 88 bp, and an open reading frame of 2289 bp, which encodes an 84.85 kDa protein of 762 amino acids. The putative amino acid sequence shares high homology and conserved amino acid residues crucial for the function of molybdenum cofactor sulfurases with other leguminous species. The encoded protein of the AnMCSU gene was located in the cytoplasm by transient expression in Nicotiana benthamiana. The result of real-time quantitative PCR showed that the expression of the AnMCSU gene was induced by heat, dehydration, high salt stresses, and ABA induction, and inhibited by cold stress. The heterologous expression of the AnMCSU gene significantly enhanced the tolerance of Arabidopsis thaliana to high salt, cold, osmotic stresses, and abscisic acid induction. All these results suggest that the AnMCSU gene might play a crucial role in the adaptation of A. nanus to abiotic stress and has potential to be applied to transgenic improvement of commercial crops.

Link: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00299-015-1775-z


上一篇:Mining for low-nitrogen tolerance genes by integrating meta-analysis and large-scale gene expression data from maize
