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学术讲座:Genome Dosage Effects on Heterosis in Triploid Maize

时间: 2013-11-01 点击次数:次 作者:yms

报告主题:Genome Dosage Effects on Heterosis in Triploid Maize

报告人:Donald Auger,Associate professor

Department of Biology and Microbiology, South Dakota State University


报告时间:2013年11月6日(周三)上午 8:30—12:00


报告人简介:Donald Auger,美国南达科他州立大学副教授,主要从事玉米遗传研究,发表论文20余篇。


1.     Yao, H., Gray, A. D., Auger, D. L., & Birchler, J. A. (2013). Genomic dosage effects on heterosis in triploid maize. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

2.     Auger, D. L. and W. F. Sheridan 2012. Plant Chromosomal Deletions, Insertions, and. Rearrangements.  In “Plant Cytogenetics, Genome Structure and Chromosome Function”. pp 3–36.  (Eds. Bass, H.W. and Birchler, J.A.), Springer Verlag, N.Y.

3.     Adams, B.M., K.N. Bertrand, M.L. Brown, and D. Auger. 2011. Genetic structure of grass carp populations in the Missouri and Mississippi River basins, USA. The Prairie Naturalist 43: 84-91

4.     Sheridan, W. F. and D. L. Auger, 2008.  Chromosome Segmental Dosage Analysis of Maize Morphogenesis Using B–A–A Translocations.  Genetics 180:755-769.

5.     Tulbure, M. G., C. A. Johnston, and D. L. Auger, 2007. Rapid Invasion of a Great Lakes Coastal Wetland by non-native Phragmites australis and Typha. Journal of Great Lakes Research 33(sp3):269-279.

6.     Sheridan, W. F. and D. L. Auger, 2006.  Construction and Uses of New Compound B-A-A Maize Chromosome Translocations.  Genetics 174:1755-1765.









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